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Multimedia Systems and Applications: Infrastructure for Electronic Business on the Internet (Paperback)

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Multimedia Systems and Applications: Infrastructure for Electronic Business on the Internet (Paperback)
Product Description

Design is an art form in which the designer selects from a myriad of alternatives to bring an optimum choice to a user. In many complex of optimum is difficult to define. Indeed the users systems the notion themselves will not agree so the best system is simply the one in which the designer and the user have a congruent viewpoint. Compounding the design problem are tradeoffs that span a variety of technologies and user requirements. The electronic business system is a classically complex system whose tradeoff criteria and user views are constantly changing with rapidly developing underlying technology. Professor Milutinovic has chosen this area for his capstone contribution to the computer systems design. This book completes his trilogy on design issue in computer systems. His first work Surviving the Design of a 200 MHz RISC Microprocessor (1997) focused on the tradeoffs and design issues within a processor. His second work Surviving the Design of Microprocessor and Multiprocessor Systems (2000) considers the design issues involved with assembling a number of processors into a coherent system. Finally this book generalizes the system design problem to electronic commerce on the Internet a global system of immense consequence.

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March 4, 2025

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