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Theory and Practice of Geometric Modeling (Paperback)

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Product Name
Theory and Practice of Geometric Modeling (Paperback)
Product Description

This book is a result of the lectures and discussions during the conference Theory and Practice of Geometric Modeling . The event has been organized by the Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut fiir Informatik Universitat Tiibingen and took place at the Heinrich-Fabri-Institut in Blaubeuren from October 3 to 7 1988. The conference brought together leading experts from academic and industrial research institutions CAD system developers and experien- ced users to exchange their ideas and to discuss new concepts and future directions in geometric modeling. The main intention has been to bridge the gap between theoretical results performance of existing CAD systems and the real problems of users. The contents is structured in five parts: A Algorithmic Aspects B Surface Intersection Blending Ray Tracing C Geometric Tools D Different Representation Schemes in Solid Modeling E Product Modeling in High Level Specifications The material presented in this book reflects the current state of the art in geometric modeling and should therefore be of interest not only to university and industry researchers but also to system developers and practitioners who wish to keep up to date on recent advances and new concepts in this rapidly expanding field. The editors express their sincere appreciation to the contributing authors and to the members of the program committee W. Boehm J. Hoschek A. Massabo H. Nowacki M. Pratt J. Rossignac T. Sederberg and W. Tiller for their close cooperation and their time and effort that made the conference and this book a success.

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