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Pre-Owned ACT Assessment (Rea) - The Very Best Coaching and Study Course for the ACT (Paperback) 0738600555 9780738600550

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Pre-Owned ACT Assessment (Rea) - The Very Best Coaching and Study Course for the ACT (Paperback) 0738600555 9780738600550
Product Description

Master the ACT and get into the college you want... Our ACT test experts show you the right way to prepare for this important test and score higher. REA s new and fully expanded 5th edition examines all ACT assessment subject areas including in-depth coverage of the ACT s new Writing Test. The comprehensive review covers every possible exam topic: Reading English Math and Science. Features 5 full-length practice exams. Each practice exam question is fully explained to help you better understand the subject material. Use the book s appendix and index for speedy look-ups and smarter searches. Follow up your study with REA s proven test-taking strategies powerhouse drills and study schedule that get you ready to master the ACT. DETAILS- Comprehensive review of every subject to appear on the ACT assessment: Reading Math English and Science- Contains the ACT s latest change - the all-new Writing Test- Dynamic diagnostic exam pinpoints your exam strengths and weaknesses- Flexible study schedule tailored to your needs- Packed with proven test tips strategies and advice to help you master the ACT- 5 full-length practice ACT assessment exams. Each exam question is answered in complete detail with easy-to-follow easy-to-grasp explanations.- Fully indexed for quicker and smarter searches.- Bonus College Guide on how to choose your college wisely TABLE OF CONTENTSACT INDEPENDENT STUDY SCHEDULEChapter 1: SCORING HIGH ON THE ACT ASSESSMENT About Our BookAbout the ACTHow to Use this Book Format of the ACTAbout the Review SectionsScoring the English Math Reading and Science Reasoning TestsScoring the Optional Writing TestStudying for the ACTTest-Taking TipsThe Day of the ExamChapter 2: CHOOSING A COLLEGEHow Do I Find College Information?Types of InstitutionsWhat Am I Looking for in a College? What Do Colleges Look for? Visiting Colleges AthleticsHow to ApplyChapter 3: ACT ASSESSMENT DIAGNOSTIC EXAM ACT Assessment Diagnostic ExamAnswer KeyDetailed Explanations of AnswersChapter 4: ATTACKING THE ACT ENGLISH TESTDescription of the ACT English TestAbout the DirectionsStrategies for the English SectionSkills TestedStandard Written English ReviewRhetorical Skills ReviewAnswer Key for Drills Chapter 5: ATTACKING THE ACT MATHEMATICS TEST Description of the ACT Mathematics TestAbout the DirectionsStrategies for the Mathematics SectionSkills TestedArithmetic ReviewAlgebra ReviewGeometry and Trigonometry Review Answer Key for DrillsChapter 6: ATTACKING THE ACT READING TEST Description of the ACT Reading Test About the DirectionsStrategies for the Reading SectionSkills TestedReading ReviewAnswer Key for DrillChapter 7: ATTACKING THE ACT SCIENCE REASONING TEST Description of the ACT Science Reasoning TestAbout the DirectionsStrategies for the Science Reasoning SectionSkills TestedSample Passages and QuestionsBiology ReviewChemistry ReviewPhysics ReviewEarth Science ReviewGeology ReviewAstronomy ReviewMeteorology ReviewAnswer Key for Drills PRACTICE EXAM I Answer KeyDetailed Explanations of AnswersPRACTICE EXAM II Answer KeyDetailed Explanations of AnswersPRACTICE EXAM III Answer KeyDetailed Explanations of AnswersPRACTICE EXAM IV Answer KeyDetailed Explanations of AnswersANSWER SHEETS (WITH SUBSCORE-AREA CODING) ATTACKING THE ACT WRITING TEST APPENDIX INDEX SCORING WORKSHEETRAW SCORE CONVERSION CHARTSUBSCORE CONVERSION CHART: RAW SCORE TO SCALED SCORE EXCERPT About Research & Education AssociationResearch & Education Association (REA) is an organization of educators scientists and engineers specializing in various academic fields. Founded in 1959 with the purpose of disseminating the

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