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Administered Politics: Elite Political Culture in Sweden (Paperback)

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Product Name
Administered Politics: Elite Political Culture in Sweden (Paperback)
Product Description

Several years ago freshly returned from a year in Stockholm but deeply en- meshed in the American Malaise of the late 1960 s I sketched out an image of Swedish policy-making that defined a generalized policy-making role and sought to relate that role to both citizen attitudes and the elite political culture 1 in Sweden. Although that sketch seems to have been taken seriously by other foreigners I think it is fair to say that the principal reaction of my Swedish friends and colleagues was amusement. When I later (1970-71) returned for another year in Stockholm I found myself being introduced at parties as the man who had written that marvelously out-of-date sketch of how Swedish politics used to work-hah hah. Or I would be referred to as the American who like Marquis Childs some years earlier believed our propaganda. By 1970-71 of course the Swedish political environment had become more boisterous than it had been in 1967-68. Indeed during the course of that year my amused colleagues found themselves enmeshed in a strike action against the government that was part of an emotional series of such actions that some observers thought would bring most public services to a halt. If my earlier portrait had been influenced (too much they thought) by the American Malaise in which I was implicated so must their later reaction to my portrait have been influenced (too much I thought) by the Swedish Turmoil of 1970 and 1971.

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