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Melbourne International Philosophy A History of Six Ideas: An Essay in Aesthetics Book 5 (Paperback)

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Melbourne International Philosophy A History of Six Ideas: An Essay in Aesthetics Book 5 (Paperback)
Product Description

The history of aesthetics like the histories of other sciences may be treated in a two-fold manner: as the history of the men who created the field of study or as the history of the questions that have been raised and resolved in the course of its pursuit. The earlier History of Aesthetics (3 volumes 1960-68 English-language edition 1970-74) by the author of the present book was a history of men of writers and artists who in centuries past have spoken up concerning beauty and art form and crea- tivity. The present book returns to the same subject but treats it in a different way: as the history of aesthetic questions concepts theories. The matter of the two books the previous and the present is in part the same; but only in part: for the earlier book ended with the 17th century while the present one brings the subject up to our own times. And from the 18th century to the 20th much happened in aesthetics; it was only in that period that aesthetics achieved recognition as a separate science received a name of its own and produced theories that early scholars and artists had never dreamed of.

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