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Contributions to Quantitative Linguistics: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Quantitative Linguistics Qualico Trier 1991 (Paperback)

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Contributions to Quantitative Linguistics: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Quantitative Linguistics Qualico Trier 1991 (Paperback)
Product Description

QUALICO has been held for the first time as an international conference to demonstrate the state of the art in quantitative linguistics. This domain of language study and research is gaining considerable interest due to recent advances in linguistic modelling particularly in computational linguistics cognitive science and developments in mathematics like modern systems theory. Progress in hardware and software technology together with ease of access to data and numerical processing has provided new means of empirical data acquisition and the application of mathematical models of adequate complexity. This volume contains the papers read at QUALICO 91 and provides a representative overview of the state of the art in quantitative linguistic research.

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March 4, 2025

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