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Yamaha Stage Custom Bop Kit 3-Piece Shell Pack (Natural Wood)

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Product Name
Yamaha Stage Custom Bop Kit 3-Piece Shell Pack (Natural Wood)
Product Description

As with the introduction of Stage Custom in 1995 Yamaha once again sets the standards of value and sound. This Stage Custom inherits 100% birch wood with upgraded metal parts. The shell is a key factor in a drum s ability to rumble or resonate. Accordingly the Stage Custom employs 100% birch—a classic in the realm of high-class drum kits. Moreover with its six-ply structure the Stage Custom accurately conveys the vibrations produced at the impact surface achieving performance that overwhelms anything in its class. The secret of Yamaha s YESS system is twofold: First it provides minimum contact of hardware with shell; second it connects that hardware at the nodal point* of the drum—the point at which it will not interfere with shell vibration. Nylon bushings on rod clamps afford maximum stability. The YESS system permits toms to be placed close together and does not interfere with quick head changes. On floor toms the YESS system offers wide-open sustain while keeping toms stable under the heaviest strokes. *Nodal point mounting is patented by the Noble & Cooley Drum Company. Ball Mount and Clamp: A tribute to Yamaha design technology Yamaha s original ball mount and clamp has gone through very few modifications over the years. A large ultrahard resin ball sits in an attractive chromed housing held in place with a titanium ergonomic wing bolt. It is the ultimate drummer-friendly mount offering non-slip positioning virtually anywhere the drummer can imagine. Additionally it permits tuning of the bottom head by simply rotating the drum.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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