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OTC Tools 4631 Battery Terminal Service Kit

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Product Name
OTC Tools 4631 Battery Terminal Service Kit
Product Description

Features and Benefits: Battery Terminal Service Kit for complete service of cable and battery connections on top or side post batteries For technicians who want to have all the required tools to remove service and replace batteries in one handy case Tool set includes tools to easily remove cut and clean cables as well as clean and remove battery posts Includes battery terminal & wiper arm puller 3-way battery post cleaner battery pliers side terminal battery brush and battery cable cutter. 3 side terminal battery wrenches included in sizes: 5/16 standard 5/16 long and 10mm. The OTC battery terminal service kit is used to work on battery terminals. It includes one 4611 battery terminal puller one 4612 3-way battery post cleaner one 4613 battery pliers one 4614 side terminal battery wrench one 4615 long-side terminal wrench one 4616 battery terminal wrench 10mm one 4617 side terminal battery brush and one 4622 battery cable cutter. All included in a blow molded case

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Last updated
February 5, 2025

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