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Pre-Owned Microsoft Onenote Step by Step (Paperback) 0735697817 9780735697812

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Pre-Owned Microsoft Onenote Step by Step (Paperback) 0735697817 9780735697812
Product Description

The quick way to learn Microsoft OneNote This is learning made easy. Get productive fast with OneNote and jump in wherever you need answers. Brisk lessons and colorful screenshots show you exactly what to do step by step--and practice files help you build your skills. Access local and online OneNote notebooks from any device Create notes that include handwriting drawings screen clips audio clips video clips and structured equations Revise reorganize flag format search and share your notes Customize OneNote for the way you like to work Get more done by integrating OneNote with Microsoft Word Excel and Outlook Share notes by using email Microsoft OneDrive and SharePoint Look up just the tasks and lessons you need

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Last updated
February 8, 2025

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