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Parkin-Son s Spaces : How One Man Facing Parkinson s Views Everyday Life

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Parkin-Son s Spaces : How One Man Facing Parkinson s Views Everyday Life
Product Description

What does a shiny red nose pulling on a cord or a dog named Sport have to do with understanding the mercy and grace of God? In this humorously written devotional author Timothy L. Reeves chronicles the lessons he learns about his journey in life and how he maneuvers his own daily challenges of coping with the effects of Parkinson s disease. Throughout this devotional debut PARKIN-son s SPACES author Timothy L. Reeves parks his thoughts on life s many twists and turns that we all face while driving the lessons home into our hearts.. Whether you stumble upon a page in this book and find the humor life has to offer or seek the lessons of joy God has for us here on earth; these delightful memoirs will inspire many to be thankful for the likable moments each day brings. They remind us all that whatever road or path in life we find ourselves walking running or driving our final destination should find us seeking God s purpose.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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