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Ramp Only - Black Ice Folding Snowmobile and ATV Ramp - 7 10in L x 54in W

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Product Name
Ramp Only - Black Ice Folding Snowmobile and ATV Ramp - 7 10in L x 54in W
Product Description

The versatile Black Ice folding Snowmobile and ATV Ramp facilitates easy loading of your sled in the winter and your ATV in the fall. This loading ramp features plastic outer ramp rung grips that help skis climb the ramp while also providing plenty of traction for use with four-wheelers. The center ramp features exposed rungs that offer excellent traction for the sled s track. Secure the ramp to your truck with two included cam buckle straps and the six rubber-coated fingers rest on the tailgate of your truck without causing damage. These dual-purpose ramps are made from high-strength lightweight aluminum and compactly fold up for easy storage.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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