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Exo Terra Glass Terrarium 12x12x18_DX

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Product Name
Exo Terra Glass Terrarium 12x12x18_DX
Product Description

Exo Terra Glass Terrarium 12x12x18 with glass doors screen top and foam background. These versatile tanks are well suited for many kinds of set-ups including caldarium s tropical desert artificial or naturalistic. The biggest advantage is the front-opening doors. The front doors allow us to easily and safely feed and care for the critters inside. There’s no need to remove any fixtures as you have to with top-opening tanks or create a barrier to block your animals from escaping as you have to with a single front opening door. These terrariums come in a wide variety of sizes to suit many reptiles and amphibians. The screen top comes with the tank and will work well for animals that need low humidity infrared lighting or UVB lighting. For dart frogs we like to customize the tank and replace the screen top with a solid glass top this allows you to keep the humidity above 80 percent.The foam background is created to replicate rocks and is helpful when hardscaping your terrarium. Whether you choose to use live plants artificial plants flexible vines or wood pieces the foam makes it easy to attach fixtures. Simply use wire toothpicks skewers net cups etc. to attach items to the foam background. The cord cavities combined with the closeable inlets on the screen top allows plenty of room for any cords or tubing needed in your setup.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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