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Ultra1Plus High Viscosity Anti-Wear Hydraulic Oil ISO 68 AW 4 Gallon

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Product Name
Ultra1Plus High Viscosity Anti-Wear Hydraulic Oil ISO 68 AW 4 Gallon
Product Description

Formulated with high viscosity-index paraffinic base stocks and premium performance additives Ultra1Plus™ Hydraulic Oil ISO 68 AW exhibits excellent oxidation stability corrosion protection shear stability and pump-ability in a wide array of operating conditions and temperatures. The comprehensive additive package includes anti-wear anti-corrosion anti-foaming agents as well as detergency. Acceptable for a wide-range of applications Ultra1Plus™ Hydraulic Oil ISO 68 AW resist oxidation rust corrosion foaming varnish and wear. Suitable for Use: Parker Denison HF-0 HF-1 HF-2 MAG IAS P-69 (ISO 68) GM LS-2 JCMAS HK U.S. Steel 127 U.S. Steel 136 Bosch Rexroth RD90220 SAE MS1004 Ultra1Plus™ Hydraulic Oil ISO 68 AW highlights:

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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