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Yacuy Certified Organic Green Yerba Mate Tea - Gourmet Erva Mate Chimarrao - Super Fresh Vacuum Sealed - 2kg - 4.4 lbs

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Product Name
Yacuy Certified Organic Green Yerba Mate Tea - Gourmet Erva Mate Chimarrao - Super Fresh Vacuum Sealed - 2kg - 4.4 lbs
Product Description

Taste the Rainforest with Every Sip Bursts of fruit and florals detonated in layers of green bready malt. Yacuy is the Brazilian answer to the likes of fine organic Argentine yerbas, sharing similar fruitiness and lightness, but in an entirely differently landscape of rich and chewy malt and creaminess almost never found in the likes of Argentina’s Misiones region, where tart, intense green tea, and sour-bitter green reigns supreme. Erva and yerbas produced in ecological reserves invariably absorb wide latitude of varied floral subtle flavors, usually coming in waves of whispers over the course of many cycles. Yacuy shows such depth, as it’s grown in the protected region of Cachoeira da Usina Velha - Rio Palmital. Located in the Iguaçu River Basin, the largest rainforest reserve in the state of Paraná, the erva grown here is influenced by the water, land, animal, and air elements, all imparting a distinct dimension and aura that’s experienced when sipping this ever from a cool 160ºF / 71ºC gourd infusion, particularly with a correct bomba (bombilla) of Brazil with a high filter count to properly strain this fine yerba from a large cuia. Store your erva mate in a fridge after opening to retain bright green colors and subtle flavors How to prepare yerba mate tea with your gourd and bombilla? 1. Fill gourd with 3/4s yerba mate tea. 2. Push yerba mate to one side of the gourd with a spoon on your bombilla, creating a mountain of mate on one side. 3. Add room temperature or cold water to this open space and allow to sit for 30 seconds. 4. Insert your bombilla to the side you poured the water, then begin sipping. 5. Proceed with adding hot (not exceeding 165ºF) or cold water and enjoy until the mate becomes tasteless.

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Last updated
February 1, 2025

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