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Human Dignity in Contemporary Ethics

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Product Name
Human Dignity in Contemporary Ethics
Product Description

Human Dignity in Contemporary Ethics develops a holistic and relevant understanding of human dignity for ethics today. Whilst critics of the concept of human dignity call for its dismissal and many of its defenders rehearse the same old arguments this book offers an alternative set of methodological assumptions on which to base a revitalized and practical understanding of human dignity which at the same time overcomes the challenges that the concept currently faces. The Component Dimensions of Human Dignity model enables human dignity to serve both as a descriptive category that explains moral choices and as a normative criterion that helps to evaluate moral behaviour. A consideration of two cases--violent crime and physician-assisted suicide--demonstrates how the model offers a way to avoid the pitfalls of both moralism and moral relativism while still leaving space for relativity in ethics. By using an approach that should be acceptable to both religious and secular perspectives alike this book offers a unique way out of the dignity talk that currently plagues ethics.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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