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Boyesen Atv Pro Reed Banshee 350 - PRO-86

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Product Name
Boyesen Atv Pro Reed Banshee 350 - PRO-86
Product Description

The latest carbon fiber technology with all the advantages of Boyesens patented dual-stage reed design. Utilizes a carbon fiber top reed and a durable fiberglass/epoxy bottom reed. Offers the quickest acceleration any reed can offer; maximizes horsepower and torque. Responds quickly and accurately to changes in piston speed for smooth dependable throttle response. No sacrifice in reed life like traditional carbon fiber reeds. Designed for the newest 2-stroke technologies. 2 Sets required This item fits H-D the following vehicle applications: fits YAM YFZ350 Banshee 1987-2006

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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