Product info
Whether it is simple maintenance or complete restoration do not start work without Clymer the leader in service manuals. Save yourself time and frustration with these procedures and techniques used by the professionals. Comprehensive manuals contain exploded views drawings specifications and charts that illustrate each job. Feature shortcut repairs and high-performance modifications. This item fits the following vehicle applications: 1982-1987 fits HON XL250R 1978-1981 fits HON XL250S 1984-1985 fits HON XL350R 1984-1985 fits HON XR200R 1979-1980 fits HON XR250 1991-1996 fits HON XR250L 1981-1982 fits HON XR250R 1984-2000 fits HON XR250R 1983-1985 fits HON XR350R
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