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My Family My Self : The Latino Guide to Emotional Well-Being (Mi Familia y yo: Guía de Bienestar Emocional) (Paperback)

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Product Name
My Family My Self : The Latino Guide to Emotional Well-Being (Mi Familia y yo: Guía de Bienestar Emocional) (Paperback)
Product Description

A culturally sensitive guide specific to the emotional health of Latinos with a focus on family in navigating the psychological social and cultural challenges faced after immigrating to America. Latinos immigrating into the United States bring with them their rich unique cultural values and practices with one constant being the celebration of and reliance on family. Family members find strength and support in the well defined roles and expectations passed down over many generations. This can provide a safe haven for individuals finding their way in the fast paced competitive American culture where in addition to the language barriers different attitudes toward personal issues like dating and relationships alcohol and drug use parenting and the role of elders can cause conflict and confusion and threaten the stability of family life.For over thirty years the professionals at CLUES have worked with Latinos and their families to provide support and guidance in navigating the many psychological social and cultural challenges they face in adapting to their new environment. In this book experts from different disciplines across this nationally recognized organization share their practical wisdom--a combination of cultural sensitivity and knowledge and current behavioral health expertise--to produce a friendly accessible guide to emotional health for Latinos. With a focus on family throughout including success stories from a variety of Latino families readers will find useful and inspiring information on: Understanding the importance of emotions intimacy and communication in personal relationshipsFinding strength in cultural and family traditions as roles and expectations changeKey stages of life issues such as parenting gender identity and agingAvoiding alcohol and drug abuse and getting help should this become a problemContributing to family and society through work and career education and developing financial stabilityThe importance of spirituality and moral values in maintaining a sense of personal and family well-being.Selected key passages are bilingual.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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