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Issues in Business Ethics: Applying Care Ethics to Business (Paperback)

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Product Name
Issues in Business Ethics: Applying Care Ethics to Business (Paperback)
Product Description

Applying Care Ethics to Business is a multidisciplinary collection of original essays that explores the intersection between the burgeoning field of care ethics and business. Care ethics is an approach to morality that emphasizes relational particularist and affective dimensions of morality that evolved from feminist theory and today enjoys robust intellectual exploration. Care ethics emerged out of feminist theory in the 1980 s and the greatest contribution to moral analysis among Women Studies scholars. Today feminists and non-feminist scholars are increasingly taking care ethics seriously. Applying care to the marketplace is a natural step in its maturity. Applying Care Ethics to Business is the first book-length analysis of business and economic cases and theories from the perspective of care theory. Furthermore given economic turbulence and the resulting scrutiny of market practices care ethics provides fresh and timely insight into ideal business values and commitments. In many ways care ethics emphasis upon connection and cooperation as well as the growth and well-being of the other make it appear to be the antithesis of the corporate character. Nevertheless many contemporary theorists question if traditional moral approaches based on autonomous agents is adequate to address a shrinking and interconnected world--particularly one that is marked by global markets. Applying Care Ethics to Business offers a unique opportunity to rethink corporate responsibility and business ethics.

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March 4, 2025

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