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Dynarex Dentifrice-Flavored Swabsticks Pleasant Tasting Cotton Swabs that Gently Sooth and Refresh Dry Mouth Individually Wrapped 1 Case of 1 000 Swabsticks

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Product Name
Dynarex Dentifrice-Flavored Swabsticks Pleasant Tasting Cotton Swabs that Gently Sooth and Refresh Dry Mouth Individually Wrapped 1 Case of 1 000 Swabsticks
Product Description

Dynarex Oral Swabsticks (1217) Dynarex Oral Swabsticks gently clean moisten and refresh patients mouth teeth and gums. These swabsticks feature raised foam ridges which are perfect for removing particles and mucus for great oral hygiene. Dynarex Oral Swabsticks are ideal for those needing extra moistening due to medication side effects radiation therapy dental surgery or disease. Includes: Dynarex Oral Swabsticks (1217) Available as: 1216 - Lemon Flavored 1217 - Flavored with Dentifrice 1218 - Unflavored 1219 - Flavored with Dentifrice 1220 - Unflavored Dynarex is your one-stop medical products brand since 1967.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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