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The New Altar Guild Book (Paperback)

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Product Name
The New Altar Guild Book (Paperback)
Product Description

An exceedingly practical guide . . . a necessity for every congregation. -Episcopal Life This update of a classic guide on altar guild ministry offers a lively blend of liturgical history sacramental theology and practical hints. The authors combine how-to advice with creative ideas on preparing for the traditional liturgies and simpler special-occasion services. All the basics are covered-the altar guilds origins function and how they are organized the sacristy preparing the church for worship decorating cleaning and setting the table selecting and caring for vestments. The New Altar Guild Book also includes a thorough and creative section on decorating the church with suggestions for hangings candles and flowers. The section on vestments covers their history colors and meanings innovative ways of making and embroidering them their care and storage.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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