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Rabbit Hole Hay Ultra Premium Medium Timothy Hay; 20lb box

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Product Name
Rabbit Hole Hay Ultra Premium Medium Timothy Hay; 20lb box
Product Description

What is Medium Timothy Hay? After the first seasonal harvest of Timothy Hay known as First Cut the hay regrows softer and is harvested again as Second Cut. Depending on the growing season Coarse Timothy Hay is harvested in late spring leaving Medium Timothy Hay to be harvested in late summer. Medium Timothy Hay is easier for small pets to eat because it is a softer hay that has thinner stems and larger leaves. It s also fantastic for keeping your rabbit’s digestive system healthy and regular. Since it is softer and leafier they will most likely prefer and eat more of it than Coarse Timothy Hay. It’s particularly good for aging rabbits as it is on the softer side but still holds all the qualities required to keep up with their dental and digestive health. Why Hay is Essential to Their Diet For rabbits 7 months and older grass hay is an important staple of their diet. While pellets and some vegetables may be safe for young bunnies and as occasional treats for mature rabbits grass hay should make up 80% of their diet. This most closely resembles the natural feeding habits of rabbits in the wild and promotes proper digestion and dental health. The constant foraging and grazing encouraged by hay helps to keep rabbits physically active and mentally stimulated. Timothy Hay is high in fiber and low in both protein and calcium content which is ideal for keeping the digestive tracts of rabbits and other small animals functioning properly. Timothy Hay can be fed free-choice to your rabbits guinea pigs chinchillas and other small animals and should be a mainstay of any small herbivore s diet. Free-choice feeding means that the hay is constantly available and the animals can balance their own diet without increased risk of weight gain or digestion issues.

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Last updated
January 20, 2025

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