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Viking Electronics SRC-1 Relay Controller (SRC1)

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Product info

Product Name
Viking Electronics SRC-1 Relay Controller (SRC1)
Product Description

- Viking Secure Touch Tone Relay Controller - Secure control of high security building entry systems - Door strikes and gates in conjunction with door boxes (W-1000 etc.) entry phones (E-10A E-20B E-30 E-40 E-50 K-1700-3 etc.) or hot-line/panel phones (K-1500-7 K-1900-7 etc) - User touch tone programmable - Non-volatile memory - retains programming during power outage - 6 digit programmable security code (to access programming) - Switchable 32V talk battery - Programmable relay activation time - Programmable relay activation code (1-2 digits or **) - Operates on any 12-24V AC/DC power source - LED’s for power / relay activation - Programmable allow / restrict for dialing from entry phone - Programmable allow / restrict for keyless entry from entry phone - 32 keyless entry codes - Trigger input for contact closure from postal lock request to exit etc.VKSRC1- SKU: TDVK-SRC-1

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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