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Wetlands: Ecology Conservation and Management: The Becher Wetlands - A Ramsar Site (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Wetlands: Ecology Conservation and Management: The Becher Wetlands - A Ramsar Site (Hardcover)
Product Description

The author is to be congratulated on her efforts and perseverance in undertaking this research and Springer for making the material available in this book format. I commend the information to all who live close to or around the Becher Point wetlands and the whole study as a model for wetland science globally. Peter Bridgewater Secretary General Ramsar Convention Gland Switzerland December 2005. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In a piece of work with wide ranging subject matter and extensive duration such as this there are many people to acknowledge and to thank for their contribution and perseverance. Many people followed through to completion tasks which incorporated several stages and several years. They expressed a real commitment to the project and a love for the wetlands in the area. It has been uplifting to work in their company. Together we have amassed a repertoire of stories that are funny disappointing bizarre dangerous and inspirational. I wish to begin by thanking the many peoplewho assisted with fieldwork because this is where the story really started. They are: Ben Asper Derek Bazen Theo Bazen Anthony Bougher Gary Dietrich Martine Desbureaux Toby Nisbet Kaylene Parker Julie Pech Karen Semeniuk Trudi Semeniuk Tony Smith and Joy Unno. Regional surveying of sites was carried out by Ric Stephenson. The people who assisted in preparing samples for laboratory analyses were Penny Clifford Toby Nisbet and Joy Unno. The people responsible for final electronic drafting of the diagrams were Craig Miskell Vic Semeniuk and Glynn Kernick.

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March 4, 2025

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