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Ridgid Autofeed Assembly Cast Aluminum 26773

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Product Name
Ridgid Autofeed Assembly Cast Aluminum 26773
Product Description

Power through drain blockages with less effort by attaching the RIDGID® K400 Auto Feed Assembly to the K400 drum machine. The drum machine is a professional-grade drain cleaner manufactured for rental-property owners or facility and restaurant managers who often find it necessary to unclog drains. The Ridgid auto-feed assembly makes that task easier. It uncoils or rewinds 100 feet of 1/2-inch inner core cable automatically at 10 to 14 feet a minute providing more power to unclog blockages. The automatic cable feed can be attached easily to the drum machine with mounting fasteners and it weighs just over 3 pounds. The auto-feed is controlled with a 3-position ball handle at forward neutral and reverse. The Ridgid K400 Auto Feed Assembly is equipped with an override system so that the drum cleaner can be used manually while the assembly is attached.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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