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Jon Gordon: The Jon Gordon Inspiring Quick Reads Box Set (Hardcover)

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Jon Gordon: The Jon Gordon Inspiring Quick Reads Box Set (Hardcover)
Product Description

Overcome the fears and challenges of life--seven of Jon Gordon s most inspiring quick reads in one collection. Bestselling author and inspirational speaker Jon Gordon has devoted his life to helping people reach their greatest potential. He is celebrated for the way he takes complex subjects and distills them into engaging stories--infusing optimism encouragement positivity and grit into the lives of millions of people around the world. The Jon Gordon Inspiring Quick Reads Box Set features seven of the author s most powerful books on overcoming fear and anxiety nurturing personal growth and positivity thriving through change creating clarity and focus cultivating teamwork and creating meaningful and lasting success. The Shark and the Goldfish a fable that strengthens the courage and confidence you need to overcome fear and uncertainty in difficult times--and thrive! Features charming illustrations and an action plan filled with practical tips and proven strategies. The Positive Dog a delightful story that shows you that we all have two dogs inside of us: one is positive the other is negative. Learn how feeding your positive dog also nourishes those around you--to everyone s immense benefit! One Word shows you how to create simplicity in your world and develop a discipline for life through the power of just one word. Discover your yearly word to positively impact all six dimensions of your life--and lead the way to clarity and success. Life Word shares a simple yet powerful tool that identifies the word that will inspire you to leave your greatest legacy. Follow the step-by-step process that will help you live your best life with a renewed sense of confidence purpose and passion. The Coffee Bean a powerful illustrated fable that teaches you how to transform your environment overcome challenges and create positive change in yourself and those around you. The Garden the spiritual fable that brings the power of faith hope and love to real life. Infused with thought-provoking ideas and practical strategies this life-changing story shows you how to overcome fear with faith encouragement truth and belief--for yourself and the people you love and care about. Stick Together delivers a critical message about the power of belief ownership connection love inclusion consistency and hope. This illustrated fable takes you on an inspirational journey that will help you and your team create an unbreakable bond persevere through challenges overcome obstacles and create enduring success--together. The time-tested wisdom and practical guidance contained in The Jon Gordon Inspiring Quick Reads Box Set is invaluable for CEOs and leaders team members and coworkers parents mentors coaches and individuals looking to instill passion purpose and achievement into every aspect of their lives.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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