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Activa H3663 Womens Ribbed Dress Socks 20-30 mmHg - Size- Large, Color- Black -6

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Product Name
Activa H3663 Womens Ribbed Dress Socks 20-30 mmHg - Size- Large, Color- Black -6
Product Description

Activa Women's Soft Fit Knee High Dress Socks 20-30 mmHg. Designed to prevent venous disorders of the leg such as varicose veins, spider veins and ankle/foot swelling. Provides moderate graduated compression to increase circulation in the legs. Knitted with Microfibers, this medical hosiery has a cotton-like softness that wicks moisture away. Elegant in its sheen and softness, it is a support hose with the feel and look of tights. Relieves leg fatigue and heaviness, ankle and foot swelling, mild spider veins, varicose veins, and for post-Sclerotherapy.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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