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Treoir Dragon Chronicles of the Belador World(tm) Volumes and Box Sets: Treoir Dragon Chronicles of the Belador World(TM): Volume I Books 1-3 (Paperback)

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Treoir Dragon Chronicles of the Belador World(tm) Volumes and Box Sets: Treoir Dragon Chronicles of the Belador World(TM): Volume I Books 1-3 (Paperback)
Product Description

Excellent storytelling that is as breathtaking as it is enchanting! Goodreads New York Times Bestseller Dianna Love has a new series from the Belador world for first time readers as well as current Belador fans and it s full of explosive reveals. Dragons didn t just show up out of thin air centuries ago and not all of them died in the Dragani War. Atlanta hovers on the edge of chaos and pandemonium as rumors fly about supernatural beings living among humans. Deadly preternatural predators have been held in check for many years by the most formidable pantheons. One angry deadly being accesses majik of an ancient grimoire to release abominations capable of taking down the most powerful of humanity s supernatural protectors. The entire human race has one hope of surviving what s coming for them but only if fear of the unknown does not drive the humans to kill their greatest protector first. ... an exciting pulse pounding thriller. Goodreads

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March 4, 2025

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