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Element by Altman Plants 3.5 Echeveria Live Plants (3 Pack)

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Product Name
Element by Altman Plants 3.5 Echeveria Live Plants (3 Pack)
Product Description

Echeverias live succulent plants beloved for their bright colors and flower-like forms shine wherever they’re featured from bouquets and centerpieces to mixed planters and garden beds. Echeverias are often referred to as hens and chicks because many varieties multiply to form clusters. Along with resembling flowers themselves echeverias can produce pretty bell-shaped blooms in hues such as coral pink gold or yellow that hang from flower stalks. Succulents’ adaptation for storing water allows them to endure drought and they thrive with minimal care. This collection of live echeverias was created with beginning plant parents and home & garden decorating in mind. Use them in colorful dish gardens for do-it-yourself craft activities or to adorn upcycled pots repurposed novelty planters or table centerpieces. Or for any other crafty gift-y or decorative thing you can dream up. Part of what makes succulents so fun is that even two of the same variety can look distinct from one another because of differences in light and water received. Provide bright light such as near a sunny window or on a patio. Echeverias will appreciate protection from afternoon sun during warmer months. Prefer well-draining soil with ample airflow. Water thoroughly when the soil is dry. Hardy to Zone 9 or 10; protect from frost.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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