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Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death: Learn to live without cigarettes (Paperback English 152 Pages)

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Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death: Learn to live without cigarettes (Paperback English 152 Pages)
Product Description

As a reformed smoker of nearly three decades Christopher Chausse gives you his straightforward perspective on understanding the smoking habit the tobacco industry and the mystifying emotions that entangle the mind of a smoker. His jovial what s the worst that can happen approach will open your eyes to new alternatives and will have you knowing that you too can be smoke free if you desire. Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death describes the methodology principles and more importantly the attitude and mind-set of what it takes to become smoke free. Then through his simple Time Compartment Management (TCM) system you ll learn control; you ll learn how to convert subconscious habits into conscious choices; you ll also learn that time is your friend not your enemy. Whether you ve smoked for 5 years or 40; whether you smoke 1 pack a day or 3 with this approach you can break those nicotine shackles forever. By applying these simple time management principles to your life you ll enable yourself to take back control of the time you spend smoking then simply fill those vacant time slots with something beautiful.your freedom.

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March 4, 2025

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