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Vom St. Galler Abrogans Zum Erfurter Judeneid: Frühe Deutsche Prosa Von Ca. 800 Bis Ca. 1200. Texte Übersetzungen Einführungen Und Erläuterungen (Hardcover)

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Vom St. Galler Abrogans Zum Erfurter Judeneid: Frühe Deutsche Prosa Von Ca. 800 Bis Ca. 1200. Texte Übersetzungen Einführungen Und Erläuterungen (Hardcover)
Product Description

With over 50 Old High German and Old Saxon texts arranged according to subject area this book presents the entire remarkably versatile spectrum of Early Medieval German prose from the end of the 8th to the beginning of the 12th century. The work covers such topics as the school tradition of the development of Latin through glosses and glossaries biblical and theological translation work various types of clerical functional texts as well as the fields of law administration and the natural sciences/magic/medicine.

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March 4, 2025

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