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Sea Turtles (Paperback)

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Sea Turtles (Paperback)
Product Description

Dive into the world s oceans to explore the adventurous lives of one of the oldest living animals. Descended from enormous prehistoric creatures sea turtles are fascinating. Hatched from eggs smaller than a baseball some can grow to weigh over a thousand pounds. Once adults they can live to be around 100 years old. And when it s time to nest they migrate more than 1 000 miles. With colorful clear illustrations and straightforward text Gail Gibbons introduces the eight kinds of sea turtles living in the ocean today. Learn the similarities and differences with labeled diagrams and experience the hatching of the tiny turtle babies with detailed illustrations. This updated edition now includes the most up-to-date information about these beloved reptiles as reviewed by an expert vetter in the field of herpetology. Sea Turtles also gives young readers an accessible overview of how the lives of these large reptiles have become threatened and discusses the conservation efforts currently taking place. Ideal for aspiring oceanographers this brightly-illustrated book is a perfect introduction to the subject.

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Last updated
February 19, 2025

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