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Abbie Halberstadt: Hard Is Not the Same Thing As Bad: The Perspective Shift That Could Completely Change the Way You Mother (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Abbie Halberstadt: Hard Is Not the Same Thing As Bad: The Perspective Shift That Could Completely Change the Way You Mother (Hardcover)
Product Description

A PUBLISHERS WEEKLY BESTSELLER Bestselling author Abbie Halberstadt helps women see how God can use the everyday trial s of motherhood to radically transform how they view hardship and grow them to become more like Jesus. Why me Lord? Amid the toddler tantrums the mealtime melees and the backseat blowups have you found yourself asking God that same question? Maybe even screaming it into a couch pillow? You re not alone. Your most trying moments as a mother can quickly spiral into discouragement hopelessness and sometimes even resentment toward God or your family--partly because our culture has conditioned us to believe that anything this hard can t possibly be good for us. Abbie Halberstadt author of the bestselling M Is for Mama shares scriptural wisdom and lessons learned from her own challenges as a mama of ten to help shift your perspective on the hardships of motherhood and of life in general. When you begin to see struggles as a necessary part of God s plan for your spiritual growth you can discover supernatural peace and purpose even when you re down in the deepest trenches of motherhood.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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