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Red HD Heavy Duty Extended Life 50/50 Antifreeze/Coolant (4) 1 Gallon Jugs

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Product Name
Red HD Heavy Duty Extended Life 50/50 Antifreeze/Coolant (4) 1 Gallon Jugs
Product Description

Arctic Wave R50 is a prediluted 50/50 is a heavy-duty extended life antifreeze/coolant and contains a proprietary poly-organic/multi-organic acid technology inhibitor system that does not contain any phosphate silicate borate nitrate or nitrite. Arctic Wave R50 meets the performance requirements of ASTM D6210 without nitrite or nitrite/molybdate combination. It does not require a supplemental coolant additive (SCA) for heavy-duty fleet maintenance programs but still provides wet sleeve cylinder liner cavitation protection due to its unique formulation. Arctic Wave R50 is dyed a red color. A major advantage of this type of antifreeze is that it provides total cooling system protection for 600 000 on-road miles without the use of additive containing coolant filters or supplemental coolant additives (SCA’s). The addition of an extender at 300 000 miles is the only maintenance required although it is recommended that a sample of the coolant be inspected quarterly to detect any problems such as significant color change pH change phase separation precipitation cloudiness or obvious contamination. This inspection should be in addition to the parameters that are normally checked in a routine or scheduled maintenance program. Arctic Wave R50 is an all-organic/poly-organic acid formulation that has several other advantages. It is compatible with all types of coolant technologies including conventional inorganic acid salt formulations straight organic acid (OAT) formulations hybrid organic acid formulations (HOAT) nitrited HOAT formulations (NOAT) and other poly-organic acid formulations. Additionally Arctic Wave R50 has a low reactivity which makes it less sensitive to contaminants such as motor oil hard water compounds and other coolants. In fact it can be mixed with other coolants in any proportion without adverse effects on corrosion protection Arctic Wave R50 is suitable for passenger cars vans SUVs light trucks heavy-duty fleet vehicles and many off-road applications such as stationary engine cooling systems. It will provide superior corrosion protection for all cooling system metals including aluminum steel cast iron copper brass and solder.

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Last updated
February 4, 2025

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