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Pocket Guide: Pocket Guide to Digital Prepress (Paperback)

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Product Name
Pocket Guide: Pocket Guide to Digital Prepress (Paperback)
Product Description

From concept to color proofing this concise user-friendly handbook covers every step of the prepress process including current and future terminologies. Plenty of savvy tips on purchasing issues and dealing with service bureaus help keep operations within budget and coverage of multimedia on-line publishing and on-demand printing offer definite advantages. 175 illus. This book provides comprehensive up-to-the-minute coverage of today s digital tools from scanners to sophisticated software for preparation of artwork to film and plates for printing. A broad overview of the reproduction process introduces the many other integral variables as they relate to production. Topics such as camera-ready and computer-ready art pagination color reproduction hardware and software press technology work flow issues output and service bureaus on-demand technology and the latest applications of media technology are discussed and placed into this logical approach to prepress processes.

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Last updated
February 9, 2025

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