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One-Hour Cheese - Paperback

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Product Name
One-Hour Cheese - Paperback
Product Description

Make fresh cheese at home--in under an hour! Through recipes that are specific accessible and rated easy easier and easiest Claudia Lucero shows step-by-step--with every step photographed in full color--exactly how to make sixteen fresh cheeses at home in an hour or less using commonly available ingredients and tools. Just as tasty are the recipes that accompany each cheese from No-Bake Cheese Tartlet (top it with fresh blue berries) to Squeaky Pasta Primavera (cheese curds that stand in for the pasta). One-Hour Cheese also shows how to make butter ghee and yogurt. Plus all about milk choices rennet all-natural flavors shaping storage and more--it s a complete beginning cheesemaker s education.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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