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Looking Queer: Body Image and Identity in Lesbian Bisexual Gay and Transgender Communities (Paperback)

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Product Name
Looking Queer: Body Image and Identity in Lesbian Bisexual Gay and Transgender Communities (Paperback)
Product Description

Looking Queer: Body Image in Lesbian Bisexual Gay and Transgender Communities contains research firsthand accounts poetry theory and journalistic essays that address and outline the special needs of sexual minorities when dealing with eating disorders and appearance obsession. Looking Queer will give members of these communities hope insight and information into body image issues helping you to accept and to love your body. In addition scholars health care professionals and body image activists will not only learn about queer experiences and identity and how they affect individuals but will also understand how some of the issues involved affect society as a whole. Dismantling the myth that body image issues affect only heterosexual women Looking Queer explores body issues based on gender race class age and disability. Furthermore this groundbreaking book attests to the struggles pain and triumph of queer people in an open and comprehensive manner. More than 60 contributors provide their knowledge and personal experiences in dealing with body image issues exclusive to the gay and transgender communities including: exploring and breaking down the categories of gender and sexuality that are found in many body image issues finding ways to heal yourself and your community discovering what it means to look like a dyke or to look gay fearing fat as a sign of femininity determining what race has to do with the gay ideal discussing the stereotyped double negative --being a fat lesbian learning strategies of resistance to societal ideals critiquing the culture of desire within gay men s communities that emphasizes looks above everything elseRevealing new and complex dimensions to body image issues Looking Queer not only discusses the struggles and hardships of gay lesbian bisexual and transgendered persons but looks at the processes that can lead to acceptance of oneself. Written by both men and women the topics and research in Looking Queer offer insight into the lives of people you can relate to enabling you to learn from their experiences so you too can find joy and happiness in accepting your body.Visit Dawn Atkin s website at: http: // dawn_atkins/

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March 4, 2025

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