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Justice League and Terrorism in Cartoons (Paperback)

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Product Name
Justice League and Terrorism in Cartoons (Paperback)
Product Description

This book analyzes the representation of the superheroes in the animated film Justice League (DC Comics 2001) regarding the anti-terrorist discourse. This cartoon has as main characters some of the most established superheroes such as: Superman Batman Wonder Woman Green Lantern among others. This animation is broadcasted in open television in Brazil a fact that amplifies even more its diffusion in our society. Considering that this animation was broadcasted on television in the year that one of the greatest terrorist attacks occurred: the fall of the World Trade Center in 2001 we intend to make a quantitative analysis in relation to the number of episodes with an anti-terrorist theme and a qualitative analysis analyzing the form of discourse the aesthetics and the character in which it was involved. In this way this book conducts a case study on the before and after the so-called 9/11 using the aforementioned animation as a source of analysis.

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March 4, 2025

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