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Plant Paradox Gut Check: Unleash the Power of Your Microbiome to Reverse Disease and Transform Your Mental Physical and Emotional He Book 7 (Hardcover)

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Plant Paradox Gut Check: Unleash the Power of Your Microbiome to Reverse Disease and Transform Your Mental Physical and Emotional He Book 7 (Hardcover)
Product Description

In this groundbreaking addition to his New York Times bestselling Plant Paradox series Steven R.Gundry MD offers a definitive guide to the gut biome and its control over its home--us!--revealing the unimaginably complex and intelligent ecosystem controlling our health and teaching us how to heal our guts to prevent and reverse every type of disease. We may believe that we are the masters of our fates but in reality we are at the mercy of hundreds of trillions of single-celled organisms that exert control over every aspect of how our minds and bodies function. These are the diverse species of microbes living in our guts mouths and skin that work together synergistically to communicate with each other and with every system in our bodies. You are your microbiome s home and it wants to take care of you but first you have to protect it. In Gut Check Dr. Steven Gundry reveals the emerging science proving that Hippocrates was right - all disease begins in the gut. When our microbiomes are out of balance it affects our immune systems our hormone levels our mental health our longevity and our risk of developing autoimmunity heart and neurodegenerative disease as well as arthritis diabetes and cancer. Yet not all hope is lost: disease can also be healed in the gut if we choose to treat our microbes right. In Gut Check Dr. Gundry shows us how. In his warm authoritative voice Dr. Gundry provides us with the keys to unlocking our gut health allowing our bodies and its microbiome to function at their highest potential. Sharing shocking new research as well as a detailed eating plan with food lists and recipes to heal and rebalance the microbiome Gut Check provides the cutting-edge information and tools we need to repair our health and reclaim our lives.

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March 4, 2025

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