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Advantus 75334 8.5 in. x 2 in. People Pointer Plastic Cubicle Sign - Black

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Product Name
Advantus 75334 8.5 in. x 2 in. People Pointer Plastic Cubicle Sign - Black
Product Description

Easily identify work stations with this Advantus People Pointer Cubicle Sign. It s made of sturdy plastic with a black finish and features a translucent cover that reduces glare and protects it from normal wear and tear. The adjustable sign holder comes with easy-to-use templates that allow you to print from your laser or inkjet printer and create custom signs. It also features a double-sided patented design that enables you to see the sign clearly from any angle and an adjustable base to fit onto most work stations. It s suitable for businesses that have cubicle-type structures making it easy to quickly find employees departments and more.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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