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KE01 Rabbit Ears Wireless Headphones Luminous Extension WheatS Cute Girls Children Bluetooth Headphones

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Product Name
KE01 Rabbit Ears Wireless Headphones Luminous Extension WheatS Cute Girls Children Bluetooth Headphones
Product Description

Please note, this item ships from an international seller. Expected delivery is 10-15 days. KE01 Rabbit Ears Wireless Headphones Luminous Extension WheatS Cute Girls Children Bluetooth Headphones Features: Horn impedance: 32q soil 15% 1PC headset 1. The use of RGB three-color lighting is balanced and bright and colorful, making you full of cuteness 4. When the headset is out of power, you can connect to the 3.5mm audio cable, even if the desktop computer tablet light does not have the Bluetooth function, it is as unobstructed as the listening Charging time: 2 hours Product Description: Bluetooth receiving distance: 15m

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Last updated
September 15, 2024

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