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Geographies for Advanced Study: Statistical Methods and the Geographer (Paperback)

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Product Name
Geographies for Advanced Study: Statistical Methods and the Geographer (Paperback)
Product Description

First published in 1978. For the non-mathematician however even the simpler introductory books on statistics often raise considerable problems. In this second edition First some attention has been given to the problem of the transformation of data in order to reinforce the appreciation of the need for normally-distributed data for the use of so many techniques. Secondly the use of probability paper at least in simple terms has been introduced to illustrate the ways in which the labour of probability assessments can be circumvented. Thirdly radical changes have been made plus considerable expansion added to the theme of non-parametric testing to provide a more systematic approach to what is a most important group of possible techniques for geographers. Fourthly change and expansion are also reflected in the sections on correlation and regression including some simple consideration of curvilinear relationships and the presentation of computational techniques more geared to the use of desk calculators rather than long-hand methods. Finally the bibliography has also been expanded to incorporate a wider range of books on techniques and a selection of research papers using such techniques in a geographical (or near-geographical) context.

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March 4, 2025

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