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Deciphering the Proof : A Comprehensive Solutions Guide Using Deductive Geometry Volume 1 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Deciphering the Proof : A Comprehensive Solutions Guide Using Deductive Geometry Volume 1 (Paperback)
Product Description

Deciphering the Proof is for students parents and new teachers who need practice solving proofs in Geometry. Specifically where Geometry is part of the 4e curriculum in a French program or for American students taking Geometry between Grades 8 and 10. The book shows step-by-step how to reason and solve Geometry problems by writing solutions in a clear logical and deductive sequence. This strategy is called modeling. Students learn by imitating the method and eliminating all the non-value adding verbiage that distract graders. By showing the core steps required to solve a problem students avoid extraneous text and steps which make the solution difficult to follow and difficult for the grader to evaluate with precision. Teachers can use the material in class by showing partial solutions (of the reasoning or the proof) and asking the students to complete the other part. The book should be used as a complement to a Geometry textbook. It is especially beneficial for average students with difficulties writing the solution to a problem in a logical deductive process. It is recommended to the user of the book to first try to solve the problems entirely before comparing with the step-by-step solutions following each chapter.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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