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The Meetings Handbook (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Meetings Handbook (Paperback)
Product Description

The Meetings Handbook: Formal Rules and Informal Processes is a comprehensive manual to the rules and issues of meetings as well as a useful guide to understanding the informal processes that underlie the successful conduct of the business of meetings. The handbook gives the formal issues of meeting processes including setting agendas and putting forward formal motions. It also canvasses informal aspects of meetings work such as preparation reading the non-verbal messages of participants and insights into how to chair meetings and deal with those who seek to subvert the formal rules. This handbook is a unique accompaniment to the more conventional legal books that are good formal guides. The Meetings Handbook also includes examples of an ethical code constitutions agendas and minutes. It features a reference list as well as the usual scholarly references. In order to make the work readily useable by the busy professional the book is divided into sections that may act as stand-alone guides to specific meetings issues and strategies.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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