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1bx Pregnancy Test Cassette (25)

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Product Name
1bx Pregnancy Test Cassette (25)
Product Description

Our Pregnancy Cassette Test is a FDA - CLIA Waived pregnancy test mostly used in the clinical environment, point of care testing. An accurate alternative to laboratory testing with results in 5 minutes not 24-48 hours as required by laboratories and is one of the most accurate pregnancy test available. The pregnancy cassette tests work by detecting hCG, a hormone released by the fertilized egg. hCG increases significantly in a woman's body after conceiving and our test will detect it at levels of 20 mIU/ml. Keeping your budget in mind, our pricing is competitive and our approach makes the hCG pregnancy cassette test one of the desirable and effective products on the market. The hCG Pregnancy Cassette Test has a full 16-24 month shelf life which provides greater flexibility to your pregnancy testing program. Qty. 25 per box 98% early detection accuracy High sensitivity Excellent for Point of Care Testing Volume Cost Available FDA-CLIA Waived OTC Approved

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Last updated
January 31, 2025

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