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Pre-Owned English and Reading Workout for the ACT (Paperback) 0375428070 9780375428074

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Product Name
Pre-Owned English and Reading Workout for the ACT (Paperback) 0375428070 9780375428074
Product Description

If you need to know it it s in this book.? This revised second edition of English and Reading Workout for the ACT includes: ?*?Practice passages and questions based on real ACT exams ?* 3 English practice tests and 4 Reading practice tests all with detailed answer explanations ?* Targeted advice from our ACT experts including how to use our 5-Step Basic Approach to master tricky sentence structure and punctuation questions ?* Guidance for seeing through camouflage and acing the Reading passages English?and Reading Workout for the ACT ?contains all the information you ll need to?learn where your weaknesses lie--and how to overcome them.

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December 2, 2024

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