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Garmin Bluechart® G2 Vision® Hd - Vae004r - South China Sea - Microsd™/sd™

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Product Name
Garmin Bluechart® G2 Vision® Hd - Vae004r - South China Sea - Microsd™/sd™
Product Description

Coverage General coverage of the coasts of the Malay Peninsula Thailand Cambodia Vietnam and China east to Quanzhou including Hainan Island and Macau. Included in this overall general coverage are numerous detailed charts covering areas such as Phuket Thai. George Town Mal. Singapore Ho Chi Minh City Viet. Guangzhou Chin. and Xiamen Chin. Bluechart G2 Vision Features See your vessel’s precise on-chart position in relation to navaids coastal features and restricted areas with premium features found in this detailed marine mapping data. Includes all of the features of our BlueChart® g2 HD product plus 3-D perspective above and below the waterline Auto Guidance high-resolution imagery and aerial photos of ports harbors marinas and landmarks. Shaded depth contours coastlines spot soundings navaids port plans wrecks obstructions intertidal zones restricted areas and IALA symbols. Features up to 1-foot HD fishing contours which reveal detailed seafloor terrain. Seamless transitions between zoom levels and more continuity across chart boundaries. High resolution satellite imagery for a realistic view of the land and water. Aerial photos of ports harbors marinas waterways navigational landmarks and other POIs. Patent Garmin Auto Guidance technology is now capable of providing routing guidance¹ to virtually any accessible destination on the water. Mariner’s Eye view 3-D perspective for a quick easy position fix. Fish Eye view 3-D perspective for an underwater view of the sea floor. Safety Shading* enables contour shading for all depth contours shallower than your defined safe depths. Fishing Charts* to scope out bottom contours and depth soundings with less visual clutter on the display. Plan and organize routes from your computer with HomePort™.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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