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Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Financial Cryptography: Third International Conference Fc 99 Anguilla British West Indies February 22-25 1999 Proceedings (Paperback)

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Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Financial Cryptography: Third International Conference Fc 99 Anguilla British West Indies February 22-25 1999 Proceedings (Paperback)
Product Description

The third Financial Cryptography conference was held in February 1999 once again at Anguilla in the British West Indies. The number of attendees continues to increase from year to year as do the number and quality of the technical submissions. The Program Committee did a great job selecting the technical program. I thank them for all of their eo rt s. We were helped by a number of outside reviewers including Mart n Abadi Gerrit Bleumer Drew Dean Anand Desai Mariusz Jakubowski Andrew Odlyzko David Pointcheval Guillaume Poupard Zul kar Ramzan Aleta Ricciardi Dan Simon Jessica Staddon Venkie Venka- san Avishai Wool and Francis Zane. I apologize for any omissions. Adi Shamir gave an excellent invited talk that forecast the future of crypt- raphy and electronic commerce. On-line certic ate revocation was the subject of a panel led by Michael Myers following up on the success of his panel on the same topic at last year s conference. Joan Feigenbaum moderated a lively panel on fair use intellectual property and the information economy and I thank her for pulling together from that discussion a paper for these proceedings. A s- cessful Rump Session allowed participants to present new results in an informal setting superbly chaired by Avi Rubin.

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