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Psychology Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Psychology Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling (Hardcover)
Product Description

The American Association of Christian Counselors and Tyndale House Publishers are committed to ministering to the spiritual needs of people. This book is part of the professional series that offers counselors the latest techniques theory and general information that is vital to their work. While many books have tried to integrate theology and psychology this book takes another step and explores the importance of the spiritual disciplines in psychotherapy helping counselors to integrate the biblical principles of forgiveness redemption restitution prayer and worship into their counseling techniques. Since its first publication in 1996 this book has quickly become a contemporary classic--a go-to handbook for integrating what we know is true from the disciplines of theology and psychology and how that impacts your daily walk with God. This book will help you integrate spiritual disciplines--such as prayer Scripture reading confession--into your own life and into counseling others. Mark R. McMinn Ph.D. is professor of psychology at Wheaton College Graduate School in Wheaton Illinois where he directs and teaches in the Doctor of Psychology program. A diplomate in Clinical Psychology of the American Board of Professional Psychology McMinn has thirteen years of postdoctoral experience in counseling psychotherapy and psychological testing. McMinn is the author of Making the Best of Stress: How Life s Hassles Can Form the Fruit of the Spirit; The Jekyll/Hyde Syndrome: Controlling Inner Conflict through Authentic Living; Cognitive Therapy Techniques in Christian Counseling; and Christians in the Crossfire (written with James D. Foster). He and his wife Lisa have three daughters.

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March 4, 2025

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