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Grip-Rite PrimeGuard Plus #9 x 3 in. Tan Wood to Wood Deck Screw 5lb.

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Product Name
Grip-Rite PrimeGuard Plus #9 x 3 in. Tan Wood to Wood Deck Screw 5lb.
Product Description

For the most comprehensive selection of nails and screws look for Grip-Rite Fasteners the most popular brand of fasteners in America. No matter what the project or what size the job Grip-Rite Fasteners has the optimal fastening solution. There are many sizes and styles of nails and screws available. As construction materials and techniques evolve fastener design keeps pace with the changing technology. Fastener needs vary from project to project and the safety and life expectancy of the project can be extended or compromised based upon the fastener used. Fasteners have been designed to meet the special needs of projects such as roofing or drywall and in many cases are known by the application for which they are intended (roofing nails drywall screws masonry nails etc.

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Last updated
March 1, 2025

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